The Nest Integrated Services

Welcome to The Nest. Our center serves as a hub for experts and specialists. Each specialty functions independently which allows you to choose care that fits your unique situation. We also consult each other and/or use a treatment team approach. You can start with one service, add in specific services, and transition to other services when needed. 

Our specialists also have an open minded approach to care. We are willing to include, or learn how to integrate spiritual/holistic self care needs into traditional care, and therapy models. 

Click the Logo or Button Below to Learn More About Each Service

*Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

*Young Adult Psychiatric Services

 *Therapeutic Services

*Parenting Skills and Support

 *Community Education

*Psychiatric services for uncomplicated cases


 *Therapeutic Support

* Parenting Skills and Support

 *Community Education

*Executive Function Coaching for teens, young adults and college students

*Life skills Coaching and Training 

*Social Skills Services

*Transitional Age support to launch teens into adulthood

*Spiritual and Holistic Wellness Approaches by Asta Kill

* Reiki


*Self Care


Collaborative Psychiatric and Medical Care

Dr. Donnesha Slider, our psychiatrist, and Dr. Dawn Gotkiewicz (Dr. G.), our pediatrician, work closely together to get patients seen quickly. Their goal is to help patients get expert care quickly. They work together in several ways.

* Dr. G. can start treatment for mild and moderate psychiatric patients when their pediatrician is uncomfortable with treating behavioral health concerns.

* Dr. G. can also start treatment while patients wait for a psychiatrist.

* If a case is complicated, Dr. G can consult Dr. Slider, or transfer the patient to Dr. Slider. 

*Dr. Slider will transfer patients back to Dr. G. when they are stabilized.  

*Dr. G. and Dr. Slider can also send patients back to their regular pediatricians after consulting, or educating the pediatricians about care needs. 

*Dr. Slider consults Dr. G for her medical expertise. 

*Both physicians work together to review records and/or give second opinions. 

* Both physicians collaborate with therapists, doctors, Bridging S.U.C.C.E.S Service, and Asta Kill when needed to ensure there is well rounded care.